President's Assembly
Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024
4:30 p.m. Tempel Green

Good afternoon, everyone. Let me extend my warmest welcome to you all. And thank you,

Dean Smith and Bella, for your thoughtful remarks. I also want to echo Dean Smith’s thank you to everyone who made this day possible – the family and friends of our new students, our amazing staff and faculty, and our students. Thank you for all you have done to help these students have a smooth and fun start to their Conn journey.

This is such an exciting day, but I know it’s been a long one for our new students and parents, so I’ll be brief.

Like you, I am also starting my first year at Conn. Also, like you, I am still unpacking, finding buildings and trying to get to know every member of the Conn community. And like you, I’m just starting to discover all the wonderful opportunities this great school and community have to offer. I’ve served small liberal arts colleges for more than 30 years as a faculty member, a dean, a provost and a president, with an academic background in psychology and social justice. 

When I decided to take the next step in my career, there were many reasons I chose Conn – a beautiful campus, great location, the Connections curriculum and more – but there are three main ones that I want to highlight today. First, the mission of Conn is one that deeply resonated with me – “to educate students to put the liberal arts into action.” Throughout my academic career, my focus has been on helping students apply what they learn in order to affect positive change in the world. Conn will enable each of you to chart your own pathway of learning, discovery and action. 

Second, Conn is a deeply student-centered place, meaning that it is your success and well-being that drives everything we do. 

And number three, which follows from the first two – the people who make up the Conn community (trustees, alums, faculty, staff and students) were the reason I felt both called and deeply fortunate to serve Conn as president. The Conn community is composed of intelligent, passionate and welcoming individuals who foster a sense of belonging and inclusion. What a wonderful opportunity to learn, work and live together as Camels here at Conn.

So, yes, we are starting a journey together at an AMAZING college, and we are very excited to begin. Yes, it is a new place with many strangers and challenges ahead, so it is also a little scary and overwhelming. I was a first-generation college student; I remember those feelings well when I was in your shoes. And I do not mind sharing that I am feeling them right now. But I also know there is only one way forward, so I encourage you to do what I have been doing since I arrived on campus last month. First, a little self-affirmation never hurts, so I tell myself, “You got this;” then I take a deep breath and plunge in. I make sure to meet someone new every day, ask questions, and to engage with the community – stop in an office, attend events and hang out with students. So, let’s be brave together, take chances together, make mistakes together, fail and succeed together, learn and grow together. And one day, before you know it, you will have your Camel moment and say I do have this!

We have arrived at the part of our program when we will present the Class Banner to the members of the Class of 20-28. I’ll ask Bella Castellanos Palacios to return to the podium to do the honors. 

You should know that each class entering Connecticut College is presented with a banner bearing the year of their graduation. The banners come in one of four colors——green, blue, purple, and red——representing the four classes enrolled in the current student body. Your banner will be displayed on significant occasions during your four years on campus and also after you graduate, at reunions and other events. 

So, today is the first official occasion. At the end of this Assembly, two students from the Class of 20-28 will carry the banner and lead the platform party to the back of the Green, where you will all have an opportunity to take photos. 

The students who will lead us were selected from students who participated in our pre-orientation programs. And they are: Eros Sunshine Garza and Tanvir  Hasan. Would you both please come forward?

Eros  Sunshine and Tanvir , after you unroll the banner, you will lead us off the platform.

Bella, will you present the banner?

Parents, friends, and fellow Camels, we present to you the Class of 20-28! 

We will now leave the stage. After you have all said your goodbyes – parents, guardians, and family members – we invite you to join me for a reception under the tent at Larrabee Green. Congratulations, everyone, and welcome to CONNECTICUT COLLEGE!