Spencer Pack

Spencer Pack

Professor Emeritus of Economics

With Connecticut College: 1981-2019

B.A., Franconia College
M.A., University of Toronto
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire


Libertarian and anarchist economic thought

History of economic thought/economic history

Contemporary economic issues

Adam Smith and laissez faire economics

Marxian economics

Spencer Pack, an expert in contemporary economic issues and the history of economic thought, is interested in analyzing the world economic system: both how it is, and how it can be improved. He feels that the best way to understand the present and to prepare for the future is to understand the past.

Spencer Pack, Professor of Economics

He led a Study Away Teach Away, SATA Italy, in Fall 2011 and is leading SATA Italy 2016.

Pack's book, Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx: On Some Fundamental Issues in 21st Century Political Economy (2010), connects these three great philosophers' teachings to modern issues, such as the current financial crisis.

Pack's book Adam Smith's Critique of the Free Market Economy is described in The History of Economic Thought as a "powerful and thoroughly documented book that overturns many long-held beliefs about Adam Smith," where Pack argues that "Smith's position on the role of the state in a capitalist society was not so different from that of a modern 20th century liberal." Pack is also the author of Reconstructing Marxian Economics: Marx Based upon a Sraffian Commodity Theory of Value. He has also published pieces on Aristotle, Joseph Schumpeter, George Gilder and Kozo Uno.

Pack teaches Introductory and Intermediate Macroeconomics, Economic History/History of Economic Thought, Parts I and II, Seminar on Adam Smith, and a new course, Libertarian and Anarchist Economic Thought. He also teaches the Economics of Food: A Feminist Perspective, a study of the production, distribution, preparation, consumption, and disposal of food in various economies, with a focus on the determinants and repercussions of the sexual division of labor, taught in SATA programs.

Pack is a former Dana Fellow at Yale University and is listed in various Who's Who.

Visit the economics department website.

Majoring in Economics.

Contact Spencer Pack

Mailing Address

Spencer Pack
Connecticut College
Box #5554
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320


304 Winthrop Hall