Connecticut College has a commitment to faculty-student research usually found only at large universities. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to work with faculty on grant-funded research in fields from botany to computer science.

Conn science faculty put an equal emphasis on teaching. Classes are often taught in  small group settings, and students learn through original research and interdisciplinary work. All classes are taught by professors.

Learn more about faculty areas of expertise in:

Learn about some recent science faculty accomplishments:

- The National Science Foundation has awarded Rachel Spicer, assistant professor of botany, a three-year, $395,064 grant for research that addresses fundamental questions about how trees grow. The work has practical applications for biofuel development and forest generation.

- Botany professor Scott Warren and students proved that sewage and fertilizer nutrients are destroying northeastern salt marshes. An article published in "Nature," one of the most prestigious scientific journals, details the results of this ecosystem-scale study of the impact of excess nutrients on a salt marsh within the Plum Island Estuary of Massachusetts.

- Professor wins NSF grant to study ancient Arctic lakes and climate change. Peter Siver, the Charles and Sarah P. Becker '27 Professor of Botany and Director of the Program in Environmental Studies, will lead a team of researchers, including Connecticut College students, in a three-year project to analyze fossils in the sediments of ancient lakes in the Northwest Territories of Canada and use them to reconstruct historical climate conditions.

- With a grant from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, biology professor Anne Bernhard will work with a team of researchers to explore the effects of the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the salt marshes that line the Louisiana coast.